
Copper-steel Cooling-Water Jacket

Copper-steel cooling-water jacket

Development prospects

Traditional water jackets made of pure steel or pure copper have short lifespans, require difficult maintenance, and are expensive. These characteristics make it difficult to meet the current economic and technical requirements of industrial applications. With the explosive welding technology, Copper-Steel clad jacket is a new solution to this problem. In this process, copper is used as the heat transfer layer, and steel is used as the cladding layer. The clad plate is then machined to create water channels. This ensures high thermal conductivity, high strength and stiffness, and  long service life.


Product features

1. High thermal conductivity efficiency

Copper has around 8 times the thermal conductivity of steel. It is capable of designing complex and flexible water channels on the clad plates’ surface, within uniform cooling effect and high heat dissipation efficiency.

2. Long service life

The copper backed by steel makes it strong and resistant to deformation. The clad interface is also stronger than the copper backer at high temperatures, preventing any separation. The hot side of the jacket is cladded with stainless steel, which makes it resistant to erosion and corrosion.

3. High installation efficiency

The steel surface can be directly welded, effectively avoiding the difficult on-site welding and maintenance of traditional water jackets. This significantly improves the on-site working environment and increases installation efficiency.

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